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Patience... With Yourself

Writer's picture: Sydney AllenSydney Allen


I hope everyone has been having a great week and going into an even better weekend! (:

Today's blog will be all about patience. I chose this topic because it's something that I have really been struggling with for the past couple of weeks. I am a very patient person when it comes to pretty much everything and everybody but myself and I'm sure I'm not the only one like this.

My dreams and goals influence me to push myself pretty much everyday to do something that contributes toward my goals, which can be good, but it also drives me to burn out faster than normal. I have so many things that I want to do and accomplish that I never give myself time to just relax or be patient with myself in knowing that everything takes time, and to think of everything as a stepping stone, not a boulder blocking the way.

I've become very antsy in the past few weeks because I don't feel that I am helping or really making a difference in the world the way I want to or think I should be. This makes me feel like I'm just wasting my time when I could be doing other things that have true value and meaning to me, but I have to remember to be patient and look at things at all angles. It's incredibly hard but necessary.

Patience is extremely important in all aspects of life but it is the most important when it comes to yourself. If you're not patient with yourself it will start to effect your mental health and could eventually trickle to other things. Patience is listening to yourself and letting yourself feel things in entirety so that you can get it out and see what the best plan of action is for you. Patience is taking each day for what it is, and doing what you can on that day and not worrying about tomorrow. Patience is letting yourself breathe. Patience is letting your gut talk and your mind listen. Patience is taking risks and being okay with whatever the outcome is. Patience is being kind to yourself when you're frustrated.

Patience is so much more than what we tend to normally think it is and I've had to really sit back and think about what it means to be patient with yourself. Mainly because it is different than being patient with someone else. It's a harder journey but probably the most rewarding.

With all of this being said I just want to remind you to be patient with yourself and practice self care. It's vital for our health and having healthy relationships.

I hope everyone has a great day and an amazing weekend (:

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